Welcome to the 2024 Goal Challenge

Designed to help you involve your team more in the goal-setting process. Take the challenge and compete for great prizes worth up to 45 000 SEK from Formtiva. After you completed the Goal Challenge your team will have:

  • created a shared understanding of Goal-Setting Theory (GST) and its four types of goals.

  • had a fun experience and laid a strong foundation for working on your own goals with the team.

    The challenge will be running until 15th of June 2024 and the winners will be notified shortly after.

What's the challenge?

The challenge is relatively simple in its design. You and your team have to put 18 ’goal cards’ in their proper place as quickly as possible. The cards can be found in the small envelope in your challenge box (read the instructions before opening the envelope).
There are 4 different types of goal cards in the envelope:

1 Outcome goals (3 cards)
2 Performance goals (6 cards)
3 Process goals (6 cards)
4 Learning objectives (3 cards)

The goal cards are interconnected. This means that for each Outcome goal there are 2 Performance goals, 2 Process goals and 1 learning objective that are linked together. More information in the ”how to play” section below.

How long time does it take to run the Goal Challenge?

The short answer is that it varies. The challenge itself can take anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes. We recommend scheduling an hour to discuss the experience in relation to your own goals afterwards.


To complete the challenge, you will need (1) something to time yourself with, (2) the envelope with goal cards, (3) a table or other surface to put the cards on, and (4) your team. A pro tip is to read through all the instructions together before starting the challenge.

How to play (instructions):


Ask everyone in the team to scan the QR code ’Goal-Setting Theory’ and read up on the 4 types of goals. When everyone feels ready, it’s time to start the challenge.


Start the time and take the cards out of the envelope with the blue side up (important!).


Now, as quickly as possible, identify the 3 outcome goals and pair them with their respective performance goals (2), process goals (2) and learning objective (1).


Put the cards in a column with the outcome goal at the top, followed by the performance goals, the process goals and finally the learning objective.


When you feel completely finished, stop the time and turn the back of the cards up to see the results. You should have 3 columns with a result goal on top, followed by 2 performance goals, 2 process goals and 1 learning objective.


Take a picture of the team and submit your time in the form below to complete the challenge (and to have the change to win):

7 (optional)

Discuss in your team what your goals are today. Do you have goals that cover all types of goals in Goal-Setting Theory and are they clear and challenging enough?


Challenge a friend and pass the box on. Don’t let the box be a one-off item but rather find someone your team can challenge (you can challenge anyone, also from outside your workplace).

Prizes up for grabs!

In addition to the honor of being crowned ”Goal Setting Champion 2024”, 3 teams will win a development method of their choice from Formtiva.com worth up to 15,000 SEK.

Formtiva is a cutting-edge provider of effective development methods that help you develop leadership, teams and company culture. Here is a selection of available methods:


TEAMtiva™ helps management teams to establish a common understanding of how the team collaborates and to jointly identify areas for development.


LEADtiva™ helps managers and leaders collect structured feedback from their employees, develop a personal development plan and monitor their progress.


VALUEtiva™ is designed to get teams to discuss values in a structured way. Understand each other better and agree on values that are important to the team in common situations and in decision-making.


CULTUREtiva™ helps you quickly understand the current culture and identify areas of development that are important for your organization's performance and competitiveness.

Fantastiska samarbeten formas inte över en natt. Men de börjar ofta med ett kort telefonsamtal.

Vi startade OHL Development eftersom vi ansåg att kulturutveckling och ledarskapsträning var orimligt effektlöst och dyrt. Vi erbjuder en helhetslösning där vi samlar insikter, skräddarsyr utvecklingsresor och följer upp effekten till en behovsanpassad kostnad. Så att även mindre företag ska ha råd. Ta en titt runt på hemsidan eller låt oss kontakta dig så berättar vi mer.